#5314ROYALOAKDRIVE was at one time (about when they dug up the back yard looking for either guns, cash or bodies depending on whom you ask) slated for demolition as it was a meth lab about ten years ago as well, that demolition should be carried through IMMEDIATELY.
Abate the nuisance house NOW!
And tear that fucker down please #FLORIDA !!!
Hey Hillsborough County, I'm guessing you don't really give a shit if your informants live or die,
(as several seen to have gone missing and presumed dead) but putting your callous on display for the
children of this neighborhood to have to watch, as these individuals degrade before their very eyes....
What if that basketball hoop the Jeep tag # I776EA hit had been a child that morning? There have been
lots of close calls where kids have almost been hit or people have tried to lure them into the yard,
we have witnessed it all...and then there are the "visitors" that bring their children to play in the
drughouse yard among the dirt and detritus of their usage....at all hours....
One of the new "tenants" @ #5314ROYALOAKDRIVE is sleeping outside in a lawnchair, and the "detective's niece" her
ugly Isuzu is out front w/ the tag pulled off...I wonder if it was a stolen temp tag? Perhaps someone can check:
BEJ5378 ...
or perhaps the vehicle itself is...or a dozen other scandalous reasons that have all been played-out little dramas
at that fucking drug house for over a year now.
Hey why don't you let your new roomie in guys? Cuz he's an eye and ear-sore...