Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014

Feeling rough this morning. Considering the traffic at the nuisance house that attracted and generated my attacker continues unabated made me start to think about this very critically. Because the "home" owner made threats on my life after he re-installed himself as a "businessman" on this street about a year ago. The cops know about the threats of both himself and others who frequent his "house", they even made me aware that it is under 24/7 question is now for you my reader...isn't this permissive attitude toward the activity in part to blame for the attack itself?

This is the home "owner" back in October 2013 after reports that a local mother had been murdered, Misti Whitfield. The case was eerily similar to the case of Donna Cooke who was murdered almost ten years ago nearby at the Collins Ranch.

Interview with "home" owner of the nuisance house

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Still a little woozy but it was a knock to the head. I've been resting. Thank you to all those who have followed my plight and sent me well-wishes. Please feel free to share the PSAs I have put together while recovering.
Some I will be adding
as humor I trust you
will know the difference...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

UPDATE #ZOMBIEATTACK #METHNER #floriDUH part two April 15, 2014

But for some bizarre reason they have not censored the shot of the #ZOMBIETITTYTWISTER damage...very odd

#ZOMBIEATTACK #METHNER #floriDUH part two April 15, 2014

If you saw the #SELFIE of my #ZOMBIEATTACK yesterday, this is what you see today, but so far they left the pictures of the injuries to my chest...odd.

This is censorship, is it not?

Monday, April 14, 2014



Things are still shaky. I remember it in flashes; yet another female acting a fool next door, for a solid twelve hours she twerked around the zombie wasteland next door. Finally at around 3 A.M. when I start watering the plants, she was still geeking her brains out and then carrying around a bottle of brown liquor. I rememeber thinking that plus meth was a bad combination and from there it gets hazy. Her yelling some shit about cutting me and my tires as she sat in her little black car with two other males and me shouting something back to the effect of the time and her broken volume and it being a school night and kids in neighborhood she was tweaking in...the two guys at the car had to have seen her grab the tool, then she ran at me and hit me with a hammer she had hidden behind her back, she had it aimed for the top of my head square on and I deflected it to the side only seeing it at the last minute and thinking it was a knife. After that it's mushy. I remember seeing red, and seeing Anthony divest her of the construction weight hammer (thank you Sir), at which point I remember grabbing her up and trying to give her an asphalt facial. She grabbed at my breast trying to rip my shirt and leaving gouges across my chest. She got free and ran for her car leaving me bleeding with the two men she consorts with.  

Update later. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Florida's Jean Valjean

This is just one face
of the cradle to prison pipeline's victims. Bryan Stevenson is right; the opposite of poverty is
NOT wealth, but rather it is JUSTICE.

Children's Defense Fund